Chain conveyor for chips

Scraper conveyor

Detailed description
Technical characteristics

      Chain conveyor for chips and pellets of the KSLT type is used to move chips, sawdust and pellets both in a horizontal plane and at angles of inclination up to 45 degrees. The working body is a double-chain with scrapers made of polyethylene or caprolon.

      The dimensions of the conveyor and the step of the scrapers depend on the productivity, product and product fraction, therefore there are unique conveyors 1200 mm wide with a productivity of 200 t/h for chips.

      The body material is structural or galvanized steel, scrapers made of polyethylene or caprolon with a thickness of at least 15 mm.

      Protection of chains with special pads from the product ensures long-term operation, eliminates breakage and wear.

      When using equipment in explosive areas, explosion-proof motor-gearboxes, sensors and materials are used.

Description Parameters
Productivity on wood chips, t/h from 1 to 250
Conveyor length, m from 3 to 60
Chain movement speed, m/s to 0,5
Tightener helical
Supporting element guides
Angle of inclination, degrees to 45
Drive power, kW rom 1,1 to 75
Tightness maximum
Production period, days to 45
Warranty, months from 18